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This webpage has been provided in order to offer a quick and easy reference source for viewing the planning exhibits that will explain the LOCATIONS of the featured mechanical elements, and how the PROPOSED development is being considered.
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Please review the Equipment Pad Dimensions and confirm that these are accurate and correct. Additionally, review the numbered assignments (1 thru 100) for all the proposed equipment assignments and inform us as to any changes / corrections being desired.
There will not be Surface Skimmers in the Lower Basins because the water surface in the Lower Basin will draw-down below the level that a Skimmer can function. As you can see (see Criterion above), in order to raise the pool’s water surface 1/4″ the Lower Basin will descend 4.06″, which is 1.06″ below the level necessary.
Also the required rate of flow will be 161.20-gpm that will be provided by the two (2) Main Drains which will require additional maintainability considerations in order to keep the floating debris from the pool’s surface from building up and obscuring the Main Drain grate covers. This is due to the Spillway essentially acting as large Skimmer (18′ wide) thus all of the floating debris that lands on the pools water surface will end up dropping into the Lower Basin.
Absent the application of Surface Skimmers this debris will not have a collection mechanism and will end up settling on the Lower Basin bottom and eventually obscure the Main Drain grate covers. This resulting condition will impede the pump’s ability to uptake water and can greatly inhibit the pump to pick up prime. Under such conditions a pump’s longevity can subsequently reduced.
After your review, we can discuss what is being proposed and is a pleasurable direction from your perspective.
Please review the information and provide directions for any desired changes. One (1) revision has been made inclusive in our original Design Fee Schedule. Additional revisions beyond the one (1) made inclusive are considered billable work.
If all is “ACCEPTABLE” then respond via email that all is “ACCEPTED” and the project can then move forward as a “FINAL DRAFT” and act as the “BASE PLAN” Layout.