Preparing plans for Plan Reviews…
Remodeling, TI-Work and or Room Additions ” will generally require a Building Permit” and the submission for such will be subject to the local Building Department’s Plan Review process, and when approved will segway into the Permit Inspection Process.
The following 2013 and 2016 California Building Codes for construction shall be critiqued in both the planning and implementations of these processes according to the following code disciplines;
- 1.) 2016 California Residential Code
- 2.) 2016 California Building Code
- 3.) 2016 California Electrical Code
- 4.) 2016 California Energy Code
- 5.) 2016 California Fire Code
- 6.) 2016 California Green Building Standards Code
- 7.) 2016 California Mechanical Code
- 8.) 2016 California Plumbing Code
- 9.) 2016 California Building Code Changes for Accessibility
Other 2013 California Building Codes (CBC) the Division uses include:
- 1.) Water Efficiency Improvements
- 2.) Snow and Wind Design Criteria
- 3.) California Health and Safety Codes
- 4.) Design Criteria
Thus…the submission of plans WILL involve A PLAN REVIEW PROCESS whereas plans must clearly and concisely describe the intentions of constructing code compliance that will meet the established standards and provide reference for the intentions in maintaining quality control in the process.
Energy Standards
The State of California has jurisdictional overview for compliance with California’s Energy Efficiency Standards. New Energy Standards go into effect on July 1, 2014. There are substantial changes. These new rules involve 2013 Energy Efficiency Standards.
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Plans must also exhibit “CONSTRUCTION DETAILS” of the proposed construction intentions, inclusive of supporting calculations for the design criteria involving anticipated “WIND SHEAR”, SNOW LOADS, FOUNDATION SURCHARGE, etc…The image below outlines some of the information that will be required to be exhibited on plan.