The Permit Submission Process …
In most jurisdictions a swimming pool building permit is required in order to engage the construction process. This requires the development and submission of plans and specification that can identify your intentions for meeting the local building regulations.
Preparing Plans For the Plan Check Review…
In making preparations for your permit submission, there is specific code and ordinance information that must be exhibited on your plans that can effectively convey the code compliant instructions being proposed for the construction intentions.
Our P-Sheets of Planning…
Information is displayed by utilizing a symbolized legend and index listing that directs the Plan Checker’s attention to where the required information can be found. We assign a number to each construction component that is listed on the Plan Legend and Sheet Index and these numbered components corresponds to a glossary of detailed schematics that addresses the information being sought by the overseers.
Depending upon the size and scope of a given project this information may require several separate planning sheets in order to correctly scale and exhibit all that must be shown, reviewed and approved.
Please see the image below for an example of how we organize this information;
Click on the image below to enlarge, use your Browser’s back arrow to return to this page…
Click on the image below to enlarge, use your Browser’s back arrow to return to this page…
Preliminary Dimensional Layout
Our process begins with having you inform us about your desires for a swimming pool and or spa, which we can then translate into a scaled and dimensionally accurate layout. Because we realize that in some cases a change may be desired by you upon your first review of the plan, we include one (1) plan revision at this 1st rendition at the preliminary stage, if necessary. After all, it is most important that we get the Preliminary Dimensional Layout correctly and accurately exhibited before continuing further, as all the progressive P-sheets relating to the plumbing, electrical, lighting, concrete and equipment layouts will all need to correspond to this primary layer’s template.
Final Draft Dimensional Layout
When the dimensions are accepted and acknowledged as “APPROVED” this plan will be the basis of our “FINAL DRAFT“. At that point you’ll then be able to review the plan’s index listing and numbered associations that addresses the intended component items being called out and required for a Permit Ready Plan.
In the submission of plans for acquiring a BUILDING PERMIT, plans are only required to exhibit the information that exemplifies the code compliant intentions. This will generally involve providing information about the following elements of the intended construction approach;
- 1.) Swimming pool structural sheet must be wet stamped and signed
(2 sets); - 2. Details that are to be used from structural sheet shall be circled indicating intended
use, details not intended to be used shall be crossed out. Steel schedule shall be highlighted indicating soil type, superimposed loads and depth of pool, etc. - 3. Minimum 3 sets of plans to include:
a) Full plot plan (not just rear yard) showing lot dimensions, setbacks,
easements and fence locations.
b) Method of compliance with City’s 5’ fence requirement completely encircling pool;
c) Size of house electrical service;
d) Source of pool electrical power (main or sub-panel). Submit load calcs for sub-panel.
e) Statement that pool feeder will be in rigid conduit. - 4. Spa – Show spa location/setbacks to property line and electrical detail.
- 5. Waterfalls-Show waterfall location and height.
- 2. Equipment with/without heater:
a) 5’ minimum to property line and
b) 5’ minimum to house, or per manufacturer’s specifications.
c) Heaters not to be located on side yards with 5’ set-back