The images on this webpage (which are exhibited below) are examples of the “FINAL DRAFT” P-10 Structural Engineering Layout and the P-8 Spa Plumbing Layout.
I have applied the dimensions supplied by you and the information for Lot #24 on the Sub-Division map that references the property’s officially recognized property lines together with the critiquing layout revisions REV-1 thru REV-6.
By scrolling down the page you’ll be able to view our FINAL DRAFT of both the structural engineering and spa plumbing layout.
Click on the image below to open, click twice to enlarge view. Use your BROWSER back arrow key to return to this page …
After we get the Site Plan’s dimensional layout confirmed, I will move forward in exhibiting the other development features on a drawing according.
The purpose of this preliminary P-4 SITE PLAN LAYOUT is to allow you to review the proposed intentions for the dimensions and orientation and affirm that these are accurate and correct and meet with your approval or that they will need to be revised further in order to expressed your desires.
Click on the image below to open, click twice to enlarge view. Use your BROWSER back arrow key to return to this page …
The purpose of these exhibits are to allow you to review the FINAL DRAFT intentions for the dimensions and orientation and see if their are any conflicts that appear to exist according to your desires.