This webpage has been provided for the purpose of reviewing the Revision #2 of the P-2 (PRELIMINARY) Site Plan Layout – Utilities – Signage – Safety Barrier planning sheet.
Click on the images below to open the enlarged view, after opening click again to 2 x enlarge and then scroll with your mouse’s thumb wheel while holding your “Ctrl” key in order to magnify the image larger or smaller, use your browser’s back arrow to return to this webpage.
Some computer systems and monitors may not provide a high enough resolution for viewing the following images, clearly. Therefore, it may be best to right click on the image and save it to your Desktop as a pdf.file in Adobe or as a jpg.file. Then you can print to Adobe or a Color Plotter. If you do not have access to a Plotter that is capable of printing 24″ x 36″ “D” Size drawings, please let us know and we can produce a colored hard-copy for your review.
P-2 Site Plan – Detail Assignments – LAYOUT – 12-6-22
If corrections and or modifications are necessary please print or save a pdf.file copy of the above document and mark it up with the necessary changes and email those results back to us. If no changes or corrections are needed then please send us an email indicating that this 12-6-22 Revision #2 of the P-2 (PRELIMINARY) Site Plan Layout – Utilities – Signage – Safety Barrier planning sheet is accepted and it will become the “Base Plan” for all other advancing mechanical planning sheets moving forward.
In an effort to minimize revision costs for reproducing multiple planning sheets, we attempt to try and keep corrections to a single sheet at the preliminary stage. This can allow all information to be reviewed and approved prior to moving forward into the deeper layers of the design.
The previous approval of the Preliminary Pool Layout – 8-25-22 had moved forward accordingly and can be reviewed on the sheets below. These will need to be reproduced with calculations that can support the revised pool changes.
P-2 Site Plan – Detail Assignments – LAYOUT – 8-25-22
The following sheet; P-3 Details Index – LEGEND 8-25-22 is the legend for where all the assigned Construction Details can be found within the plan-set.
P-3 Details Index – LEGEND 8-25-22 – 8-25-22
The following sheet; P-7 Pool Dimensional Plumbing – LAYOUT 8-25-22 is the Swimming Pool Plumbing System Layout.
P-7 Pool Dimensional Plumbing – LAYOUT 8-25-22
The following sheet; P-9 Spa Dimensional Plumbing – LAYOUT 8-25-22 is the Spa Plumbing System Layout.
P-9 Spa Dimensional Plumbing – LAYOUT 8-25-22
The following sheet; P-10 Spa Section – LAYOUT .25 SCALE 8-25-22 is the Spa Section and Top View at 1″ = 4′-0″ scale.
P-10 Spa Section – LAYOUT .25 SCALE 8-25-22
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The numeric assignments on the drawings above will correspond to a series of DETAILS (See Titled Headings) which, will elaborate upon the construction installation specifics for each of the labeled swimming pool devices / components.
When the mechanical drawings are completed as a set, then these DETAILS will be incorporated into a set of drawings. The DETAILS will be exhibited on 24″ x 36″ D-size sheets amounting to twelve (12-ea) per page sheet.
See a sample of Details 1a thru 4b below and when the final plans are completed all relevant Details will be displayed within the plan set.