Many Building Departments throughout California have now adopted the recommendations of the California Energy Commission’s Standards for describing the intentions for a swimming pool’s equipment specification and installation criteria.
Our WEB-FORM outline shall address the calculations for the SITE SPECIFIC energy efficient use and hydraulic flow characteristics for the filtering, heating pumping and piping system.
A.) Pool and Spa System Type Pick from Pool only, Spa only, or Pool and Spa.
B.) Pool and Spa Systems and Equipment Requirements (Section 110.4(a) and 110.5).
Before any pool or spa heating system or equipment may be installed, the manufacturer must certify to the Energy Commission that the system or equipment complies with §110.4 and §110.5.
The requirements include minimum heating efficiency according to Appliance Efficiency Regulations, an on-off switch outside the heater, permanent and weatherproof operating instructions, no continuous pilot light, and no electric resistance heating.
C.) Pool and Spa System Installation Requirements (Section 110.4(b))
A time switch or similar control mechanism must be installed as part of the pool water circulation control system that will allow all pumps to be set or programmed to run only during the off-peak electric demand period and for the minimum time necessary to maintain the water in the condition required by applicable public health standards.
D.) Pool Pump Sizing and Flow Rate Specification (Section 150.0(p))
The pool filtration flow rate may not be greater than the rate needed to turn over the pool water volume in 6 hours or 36 gpm, whichever is greater. Calculate Max Flow Rate using the following equation:
E.) Pool System Piping (Section 150.0(p)2)
There must be a length of straight pipe that is greater than or equal to at least 4 inches pipe diameters installed before the pump. Refer to Table D below for the required pipe length. Traditional hard 90° elbows are not allowed. All elbows must be sweep elbows or a type of elbow that has a pressure drop less than the pressure drop of straight pipe with a length of 30 pipe diameters.
F.) Pool Filters and Valves (Section 150.0(p)3 and 4)
Backwash valves must be sized to the diameter of the return pipe or two inches, whichever is greater. Multi-port backwash valves have a high pressure drop and are discouraged.
By completing the WEB-FORM that is located at the bottom of this web-page and making arrangements for the remittance of payment (please call (800) 766-5259), then we can better assist you in getting your project through the Plan Check Review Process.