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This webpage has been provided in order to offer a quick and easy reference source for viewing the planning exhibits. These explain the LOCATIONS of the featured mechanical elements, and how the PROPOSED development is being considered.




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Click on image below to enlarge view, use your Browser’s back-arrow key to return to this page


The Swimming Pool Layout is diagrammatically shown. This drawing provides a series of assigned “Details”, which will offer further explanations. The furtherment of a plan “Detail” provides additional information about the code compliant installation instructions. Each of the numbered assignments makes reference to a code required component and the drawing’s references will correspond to an assortment of advancing Detail Sheets that display 1 thru 12 Details per sheet of the interrelationships of all components.





In summary, there are assigned item numbers that have been identified at the actual locations. Please use the numbers above to identify the actual locations of each item listed and print a copy of the preliminary plan layout above and then markup the drawing showing us any desired changes to these locations.



Swimming Pool Equipment Layout

Click on image below to enlarge view, use your Browser’s back-arrow key to return to this page


NOTE: Some of the component symbols exhibited may not be in the Design Work Scope of the swimming pool’s mechanical design. All assignment symbols are listed on the P-2 Preliminary Site Plan Layout (see legend on drawing above) in order to communicate to the other Design Professionals what will be or not be applicable. This is done in order to collaborate a code compliant swimming pool plan for submission and allow all others to gain familiarity with our intended Design Work Scope verses what is required from other team members.




The SHEET LISTING INDEX outlines all of the sheet headings that typically need to address a code compliant public / commercial swimming pool – spa. Some of which are indicating; Provided By Others (PBO). We have exhibited those sheet headings in an effort to bring attention to the need of the other Design Professional’s collaborative contributions i.e.; Architectural, Civil, Structural, etc..


Below is an image of the proposed ELECTRICAL LOAD ESTIMATE references. The corresponding equipment selections will need to be CONFIRMED as correct or marked up with all necessary corrections. When you have completed this task send us (via email) a copy of that marked up document so that we can revise the information, which would be REV #1.





Please review the information and provide directions for any desired changes. One (1) revision has been made inclusive in our original Design Fee Schedule. Additional revisions beyond the one (1) made inclusive are considered to be billable work.



Our swimming pool consulting / design efforts will typically need to collaborate with other design professionals that are involved in exhibiting the new construction and or remodeling requirements for the building structure portions of a given facility.









The discipline specific in each of these categories above will involve fulfilling a facility’s overall code compliant construction intentions, which are mandated by officials for new or remodeling public / commercial swimming pools / spas.


116064.1 Uniform Standards to prevent physical entrapment

116065. Violation; misdemeanor; penalty


Building codes also require that prior to the commencement of any new or remodeling construction that plans must be submitted to the jurisdiction for review and approval. The plans must exhibit how the new or retrofitting of an existing facility is going to be brought up to the current Department of Environmental Health codes & standards.


The local Building / Health Dept.’s Plan Checker guidelines require the submission of a complete plan set. These must exhibit the layout and construction details for the information that they deem necessary in providing them clear and concise descriptions for all of the proposed new construction and or remodeling work scope intentions. These descriptions must address everything that is mandated by officials for how the facility is intending to achieve code compliance.


Our approach to accommodating the necessary exhibitions is by establishing an A to Z spacial outline that allows a Plan Checker to process the verification of compliance more easily!


Our planning sheet listings have been developed over years of preparing plans for the Building Permit Submission process, not just a preliminary Plan Check Review. It has been from the back and forth of being critiqued by many different jurisdictions nationwide that our understanding and approach for seeking approval has benefited.


Realize that the authorities that are in charge of the approval process must be able to quickly and concisely understand the plans and find what is necessary to be shown on plan or approval delays will result in responding to their correction notices;



Our objective is to correctly exhibit how it is intended to build or remodel your public use swimming pool and or spa so that it is compliant with the current approved standards, codes, regulations and guidelines. The required information must address on plan the following elements regardless of the size of the pool i.e.;


The RED items listed below indicate the architectural planning sheets, which you will need to provide us information about the site’s specifics.

The BLUE items are the sheets that we as the Pool Designer would need to produce in order to collaborate all of the site specific information i.e.; civil, architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing.


NOTE: All of the site engineering will require a “WET STAMP” on those plans from the Engineer of Record (EOR) for each of their disciplines i.e.; electrical, mechanical, civil, plumbing (storm drains, water & sewer).


  • Restroom / Bathhouse Facilities

  • Bathhouse Construction Material and Finish

  • Labeling / Coding of Piping and Equipment

  • Pool Construction Material and Finish

  • Decking Areas

  • Decking Drainage

  • Depth

  • Depth Markers

  • Diving Area / Equipment

  • Drinking Fountain

  • Electrical

  • 911 – Emergency Telephone

  • Equipment Room or Equipment Enclosure

  • Fencing

  • Fill Spout / Autofill devices

  • Filters

  • Filter Backwash

  • Sanitizer / Gas Chlorine / Doser / Erosion Feeder

  • Hair / Lint Strainer

  • Lifeline / Anchors

  • Lifeguard Chairs

  • Lighting / Pool / Spa

  • Lighting Decking

  • Main Drain

  • Operation Instructions Manuals

  • Rim Flow Overflow Gutters

  • Piping

  • Pool Heaters

  • Pool Inlets

  • Pressure Gauges

  • Pump and Motor

  • Flow Meter Indicator

  • Re-Circulation System

  • Sewage Disposal Connection / Size

  • Sidewalls

  • Sight Glass

  • Signs

  • Surface Skimmers

  • Bottom Slope

  • Steps and Ladders

  • Turnover Rates

  • Vacuum Equipment

  • Water Supply

  • Total Dynamic Head Calculations (TDH)

The above information is intended to bring to light what is required from the team’s collaboration efforts. Only by combining the project’s architectural, civil, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and structural planning sheets can a complete set of documents fulfill the Plan Checker’s criteria for the review process. What is of key importance here is that the plans prepare for everything being required accordingly.


Therefore, we will need to know what planning information is available from the other Design Professionals in order to fully prepare a compliant set of plans. We can produce additional information as necessary but in order to prepare effectively, we’ll need to know ahead of time what is being supplied by the other team members.


Please let us know your thoughts and give us a call at your convenience so that we may discuss your project further.


Aquatic Mechanical Design Toll Free – (800) 766-5259


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Aquatic Mechanical Engineering  (800) 766-5259