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This webpage has been provided in order to offer a quick and easy reference source for viewing the planning exhibits that will explain the LOCATIONS of the featured mechanical elements, and how the PROPOSED development is being considered.
Questions having to do with the ICF are outside our design scope as they are having to do with the structural elements. I would suggest contacting Nudura in order to affirm the intended application.
I’m providing you sample images of a “FRAMED IN” approach versus a “CONCRETE ENCAPSULATED” Surface Skimmer. Both of these installation approaches are practiced, depending upon the site requirements.
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A Surface Skimmer’s elevation is established in correspondence with the top of the pool’s Bond Beam/ Water Surface. I’m providing a Surface Skimmer Detail BELOW, which exhibits information about the relationships of both the coping / cantilevered edge product selections, which in part helps to determine where the Surface Skimmer’s elevation will be determined.
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The Surface Skimmer’s dimensions are to be accommodated accordingly per the specifications. Therefore the throat of the Skimmer should not be narrowed nor changed. See BELOW to read more on Surface Skimmer Installation Instructions.
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The open area at the top of the Skimmer’s throat needs to be spanned with either a piece of coping or other selected deck material. Depending upon the material selection, it is also advised to use an underlain piece of high grade stainless steel metal with adequate thickness for carrying the potential worst case scenario anticipated loads. See image BELOW to review a sample Detail.
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See a sample Detail BELOW of a Surface Skimmer’s Bonding that is to be “Concrete Encapsulated”.
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