The form below has been developed in order to allow you to help us gather the necessary information. The information that is being requested on the form below is either required by the Building Dept. Officials who are responsible for the PLAN CHECK REVIEW or is required in making sure that everything to be considered on the design has been considered.




Commercial / Public Swimming Pool (REQUEST FOR INFORMATION)

Commercial / Public Swimming Pool (REQUEST FOR INFORMATION)

Request for Information about the proposed swimming pool / spa / etc..

Maximum file size: 31.46MB

(please upload a Site Plan or Plot Plan here showing the entire property)

Maximum file size: 31.46MB

Provide a markup sketch with the locations of the Pool's specifics.
Provide the following information: • Pool shallow depth • Pool mid depth • Pool deep depth • Square footage of Pool water surface area • Perimeter lineal footage of Pool's waterline • Pool deck square footage • Pool deck type i.e.; pavers, concrete, etc.. • Finish color of Pool must be white or a light pastel color. Colors other than white must be approved by this Division. If not white, submit color sample(s). • Finish material of Pool (e.g., white plaster) • Type of Pool piping proposed (copper, PVC schedule 40 or 80, etc.). • Approved source of water for Pool(s), restrooms, showers, and hose bibs. • Approved sanitary sewage disposal system for Pool filter waste water disposal and for sewage from restrooms and showers. Water Temperature: • The Number of Units served by the Pool

Maximum file size: 31.46MB

Provide a markup sketch with the locations of the Spa's specifics.
Provide the following information: • Spa shallow depth • Spa seat bench depth • Spa deep depth • Square footage of Spa water surface area • Perimeter lineal footage of Spa's waterline • Spa deck square footage • Spa deck type i.e.; pavers, concrete, etc.. • Finish color of Spa must be white or a light pastel color. Colors other than white must be approved by this Division. If not white, submit color sample(s). • Finish material of Spa (e.g., white plaster) • Type of Spa piping proposed (copper, PVC schedule 40 or 80, etc.). • Approved source of water for Spa (s), restrooms, showers, and hose bibs. • Approved sanitary sewage disposal system for Spa filter waste water disposal and for sewage from restrooms and showers. Water Temperature: • The Number of Units served by the Spa
(overall pool length)
(overall pool width)
(depth at shallow end base of stairs entry)
Pool stairs, hand rails, ladders, grab rails and recessed steps: • Submit complete pool stair plans. Include scale cross-section and top view. • Pool stair step treads shall be a minimum of 12 inches in width and shall be uniform in size, except that if the top step is curved convexly, the top step tread shall be not less than 18-inches wide as measured at the point of maximum curvature. • Step risers shall not exceed 12-inches in height. • Step risers shall be uniform in size. • Hand rails shall extend from the deck to not less than a point above the top of the lowest pool step. • The upper surface of hand rails shall be not less than 28-inches above the deck and poolside edge of the handhold. Grab rails shall be provided above both sides of recessed steps and shall extend over the coping or edge of the deck. Recessed steps shall have a minimum tread of 5-inches, width of 14-inches, and shall be designed to be readily cleaned. • Ladders shall be corrosion-resistant and shall be equipped with slip-resistant tread surfaces. Ladders shall be rigidly installed and shall provide a clearance of not less than 3-inches and no more than 5-inches between any part of the ladder and the pool wall.
(Shallow end to beginning of bottom slope can't exceed 1:10 Vertical. to horizontal)
(beginning of bottom slope to the main drain)
(depth at deep end main drain)
(depth in the middle of pool)
(the maximum depth of pool, should be at the main drain)
(skimmer quantifications will be determined based on a minimum of 1-ea. per 500 SQ.FT. of surface area)

Maximum file size: 31.46MB

Provide a sketch of the Pool Equipment Room and indicate the locations and size of all utilities serving the room.
(the area designated for the pool equipment room )
(the area designated for the chemical tank / chemical storage)
Number of restroom and shower fixtures: • For the purpose of determining the number of fixtures required, one pool user shall be considered for every 15 square feet of pool water surface area (total water surface area if there is more than 1 pool). • Showers: One shower per 50 pool users. • Lavatories: One lavatory per 80 pool users. • Toilets: (1) Female: one toilet per 60 females; (2) Male: one toilet plus one urinal per 75 males.
Waste Water Disposal: • Filter waste water shall be disposed of to a sanitary sewer (or other approved waste water disposal system if a sanitary sewer is not available). • 1-inch minimum air-gap separation required • Plans must include size, location and slope of any sanitary sewer line that will receive filter waste water. • Submit the size and location of any proposed filter waste water sump. • Waste water disposal systems shall be designed so as to prevent back-up and overflow of waste water while filters are being cleaned.
(pool / spa light quantification will be based upon .50 watt per SQ.FT. of surface area)
(note any water quality issues here)
Potable Water Hose Bibb(s): • Indicate location of hose bibb(s). • All areas of pool deck must be within 75 feet of a hose bibb. • Hose bibb(s) shall be located so as not to constitute a safety hazard. • Approved backflow prevention device required for each hose bibb(s).
(Check to indicate applications)
(Check to indicate applications)
(Check to indicate applications)
(Check to indicate applications)
The enclosure shall be designed and constructed so that it cannot be readily climbed by small children. Horizontal and diagonal member designs, which might serve as a ladder for small children, are prohibited. Horizontal members shall be spaced at least 48-inches apart. Any pool enclosure found to be less than 5 feet high will not be accepted. Openings, holes or gaps in the enclosure, doors and/or gates shall not allow the passage of a 4 inch diameter sphere. The bottom of the enclosure shall be within 2-inches of the finished grade (no loose material such as bark).
Gates and doors (including building doors) shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching devices. The self-latching device shall be designed to keep the gate or door securely closed. Gates and doors shall open outward away from the pool. Hand activated door or gate opening hardware shall be located at least 3½ feet above the deck or walkway. Gates and doors shall be capable of being locked during times when the pool is closed. The pool enclosure shall have at least one means of egress without a key for emergency purposes. Unless all gates or doors are so equipped, those grates and/or doors which will allow egress without a key shall be clearly and conspicuously labeled in letters at least 4-inches high “EMERGENCY EXIT”.
(provide any additional information that can allow us to develop a better understanding for your requirements)

Aquatic Mechanical Engineering  (800) 766-5259