REVISIONS – (Preliminary)
The image on this webpage (which is exhibited below) is an example of the latest preliminary plan revision REV-6. I have applied the MOST RECENT dimensions supplied by you and the information about the POOL, SPA and GAZEBO layouts.
The P-4 Site Plan exhibit below is my REV-6 attempt at getting the provided information to correspond to an accurate representation for the Site Plan and House’s Floor Plan and Pool and Spa positioning.
By confirming that this layout is true and correct, it will then transition into what is referred to as the
“FINAL DRAFT” and as such it will be acting as the “BASE PLAN” template for all progressively advancing planning sheets.
Please realize that any future change after acceptance of the “FINAL DRAFT” will involve making revisions on multiple sheets and increase design costs considerably, and this is why it is crucial in moving forward to make sure that there are ‘NO” further changes incurred after this threshold of design accomplishment.
P-4 SITE PLAN REV-6 (Preliminary)
Click on the image below to open, click twice to enlarge view. Use your BROWSER back arrow key to return to this page …
NOTE #1: The number of Spa seating positions exhibited are six (6-ea), as the space available is not adequate for more locations. It is intended to have a minimum of three jets (3-jet manifold) per seating position, although a CALF JET and or a FOOT JET can be added. In adding more jets be aware that an additional Jet Booster Pump and Air Blower will be necessary.
NOTE #2: The 3-Jet Manifold has two (2) options for the installation conformity. View the image below to become more familuar with how these two placements differ and be sure to inform your selected installation Contractor where each will apply.